Lake-seawiki is a community-based service that anyone may contribute to. Text content is edited in the same way as in Wikipedia articles. To create and edit pages, however, you must register, log in and agree to follow the Lake-seawiki terms of use.
Alla on lyhyet kuvaukset Järvi-meriwikin peruskäytöstä. Tarkempia kuvauksia eri käyttötilanteista on tarjolla viereisessä laatikossa. Niitä julkaistaan tarvittaessa lisää.
If you have a question that is not answered on this Help page, you can ask it in the Village pump discussion forum, where you can receive answers from administrators and other users.
Note that the forum is only available to registered users. If you have trouble registering or logging in, please use the http://www.ymparisto.fi/feedback.asp?users=15&sourceid=379545&lan=en Feedback form of syke.fi web service to ask for help.
Browsing Lake-seawiki
Browsing Lake-seawiki requires no registration. The easiest way of finding information is to enter the keyword (e.g. the name of a lake) in the search field. The main menu on the left offers quick access to the most significant content. On the main page, you find the current observation data on a map.
Järvi-meriwikin pitäisi toimia kaikilla uusilla selaimilla. Järvi-meriwiki vaatii Javascript-tuen ja sisäänkirjautuminen evästeiden sallimisen.
Editing texts
After you have registered and your e-mail address has been verified, you can log in and start contributing.
To make changes to a page's sub header and the text below, click the Edit link on the right (near the headline). You can also go to the Edit tab and edit the entire page.
Edit tracking is done in the common wiki style, which is also used by Wikipedia. For more detailed information and instructions, we recommend Wikipedia's introduction and tutorial.
Tekstin muokkaamista voi kokeilla Järvi-meriwikin hiekkalaatikolla. Hiekkalaatikko on kokeilusivu, joka tyhjennetään aika ajoin.
Adding events, observation sites and objects
If you want to add events, observations, photos or other content pertaining to a specific location, you must first create that site by clicking "Add a new" under the map of the lake in question.
After creating the site, you can click the Add/Edit links in the right column to add events, observations, photos and links.